Astronomy Unit

Penguin Consolation

Many centuries ago , there was a penguin named Kiwi. Kiwi was a very intelligent out going penguin. She was very obsessed with ice skating. She didn’t like school that much the classes she really disliked were Science and Math. Kiwi the penguin would go to school in her matching outfit every single day. There would be a day that she would complain about her sock. Even once she complained that one of her shirts had blue and she thought that it was black and she was so worried her friend said don’t worry to much about it, it looks black it doesn't look blue from far away you can really see it when you're really close. Another day Kiwi came to school she wore white socks and she didn’t think she looked good with them so she took them off and she put them in her cubby. Till the end of the day anyways. Her friend Berry would walk with her almost everyday down the to her sled so she could get home. Sometimes her mom went to get her from school to take her to skate lessons almost everyday also. She wouldn’t go to school some days, because she would travel to other locations for some of her skate competitions. Sometimes she would come to school very exited and sometimes she would say I don't feel to good and I want to go home and her friend Berry would also say that sometimes. Other days they felt like being at school though and that would be a good thing sometimes. They had so many great times together