Friday, February 18, 2011

Terrifying Reptile

What would you do if you came across a huge monstrous reptile? A enormous 5 foot lizard was spotted in the city of Riverside. The lizard was wondering around a condo complex  in a neighborhood. It was the biggest reptile found in that city.

The animal control office was contacted by a resident of the city of Riverside, to save the neighborhood from the huge reptile. The animal control officer use a "catch pole" to trap the lizard. A "catch pole" is a tool used to trap animals by the neck. It looks like a stick with a loop at the end. At first the lizard was submissive but then it became aggressive.

Due to the size of the lizard officers believe it could have been someone's pet. They suppose the lizard escaped or it was left outdoors unsupervised. In my opinion I think that people shouldn’t be able to have large pets that could harm people in unexpected moments. People who have dangerous animals as pets should be fined and arrested for  owning an illegal and perilous pet.

The animal control officers are waiting for the lizard's owner to claim it. Nobody was harmed by the lizard but it could have happened, and this story could have ended tragically. Authorities should implement stricter laws regarding dangerous pets. If you are considering owning a pet make sure to stick with dogs and cats.

1 comment:

  1. You had really good descriptions and narratives. Nice job on word choice and repetition.
